Pessimism is not an Option
My daughter and I spent a wonderfully inspiring evening at the Goethe University Frankfurt, where the philosopher Prof. Dr. Richard David Precht and the biologist Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Volker Mosbrugger were discussing questions regarding the future of human beings. One major topic that was touched upon in the discussion was, what kind of effect new technological advances such as artificial intelligence and digitalization might have on our cultures and societies. Richard David Precht, philosopher, author and leading intellectual, whose latest book “Jäger, Hirten, Kritiker” deals with this subject, offered sharp analyses, valuable insights and inspiring ideas. (There are people who claim that he raises the IQ by just entering a room.)
Although there are those who predict a bleak future – given the big challenges that lie ahead -, Richard David Precht maintains that “pessimism is not an option”. And he further elaborates: “An optimist who has been mistaken in his ideals has still had a more fulfilled life than a pessimist who sees himself confirmed.”