Final result of an outdoor macro shooting that was aggravated by sweltering heat, gazillion flies and nasty wind gusts that constantly threatened the fragile composition.
At the Border
During my stay in the cordillera I had the opportunity to drive up to the Argentinian border at 4300 meter. There is no official border post in this area; the border is just indicated by boundary marks. One small gravel road leads up and down but luckily there are some passing places in case of oncoming traffic. There is a mutual agreement that goat breeders from either side can use
Cordillera at Night
Some nighttime shots from my stay in the cordillera mountain range. Unfortunately we were approaching full moon, which limited my nocturnal activities quite a bit. More pics
A week in the Cordillera
Thanks to my friends at Locura Chile I had the opportunity to spend a week in the mountain range that is accessible at the end of our local valley. These mountains are part of the Andes and reach heights of up to 4500 meter. Meret and Bernardo from Locura Chile offer a variety of exciting horse trekking tours in our area. At the end of February they took off on
Startrails from the Cordillera
I shot these startrails around the Southern Celestial Pole at an altitude of 2500 m in the Cordillera mountain range. For this image I used a wide-angle lens with which I took 1031 frames during the course of nearly 7 hours. I then combined these frames digitally to bring out the colorful arcs of the stars.
Expert Astrophotographer
Eduardo Latorre is a true astronomy aficionado and expert astrophotographer. He cherishes every moment under the dark Chilean skies and devotes hours gathering data with his telescopes and specific astro cameras. With the help of special image processing programs he will later turn this data into beautiful canvases of our night sky. He is a member of the Chilean astronomical association ACHAYA where he also teaches classes in astrophotography. A
Horsehead Nebula
Given my fondness for horses, it's no surprise that my favorite stellar object is the Horsehead Nebula. This dark nebula (also called Barnard 33) can be found close to Alnitak in Orion's Belt. Its silhouette is clearly visible against the red emission nebula IC 434. To the lower left of the Horsehead Nebula you can find the bluish reflection nebula NGC 2023. And further to the left features prominently the
Photo Shoot with a Mule
I went on a short horseback-riding trip with my friend Meret, who wanted to try out a brand-new, handmade saddle pad for her mule. I volunteered to take some pictures but had to realize soon that I was contending with aggravating circumstances: I had to switch lenses during heavy winds and had to hold on to my own horse, while looking for the right angle on slippery ground. Luckily my
Pessimism is not an Option
My daughter and I spent a wonderfully inspiring evening at the Goethe University Frankfurt, where the philosopher Prof. Dr. Richard David Precht and the biologist Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Volker Mosbrugger were discussing questions regarding the future of human beings. One major topic that was touched upon in the discussion was, what kind of effect new technological advances such as artificial intelligence and digitalization might have on our cultures and
Imaginative Architecture
Some creative by-products of my architectural shootings.