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These images were inspired by the Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day, an international event to promote and celebrate the art of pinhole photography. I took these photos with a digital camera, using a pinhole cap instead of a lens. Although I missed the deadline by a day, I still had a lot of fun exploring the realms of pinhole photography.

I was hoping to take some pictures of the zodiacal light (also called false dusk or dawn) along with some meteors of the Lyrids meteor shower. I got the zodiacal light alright, but instead of shooting stars, I got rather bright Starlink satellites. The Starlink satellites are part of Elon Musk's program to provide fast internet to every corner of the Earth. He originally applied for - and was granted -

Magnificent beams of light that radiate from the sun, shining through clouds, mountains or buildings are called crepuscular rays. Crepuscular refers to twilight and very often this effect can be witnessed during sunrise or sunset. Although these rays appear to converge towards the sun or diverge from it, they are actually parallel to each other. It is a visual illusion similar to that of railroad tracks that seem to converge