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This beautiful nightscape above the derelict church of Serón features many of the well-known objects of the southern sky:  the bright stars Alpha and Beta Centauri, the Southern Cross, the Coalsack Nebula, the Magellanic Clouds as well as the globular clusters Omega Centauri and 47 TUC.

Rodeos in Chile differ markedly from those in the US. In Chilean rodeo, a team consisting of two riders and two horses ride laps around an arena trying to stop a calf, pinning it against large cushions. Only if they pin the calf at an exactly defined spot can they gain points. The rodeo in Pichasca is the biggest of the local rodeos. It lasts four days and attracts

My daughter and I went on a three-day horseback ride to the lagoon El Cepo, which is located in the Chilean cordillera at approx. 3000 meters. Although the ride was a little strenuous at times (especially for the mule), the lagoon and the surrounding area was quite spectacular. See all the pics

My daughter and I spent wonderful days on Easter Island (Rapa Nui in the indigenous language). This truly felt like paradise. For those interested in the history of the island, there is a a movie Rapa Nui, co-produced by Kevin Costner in 1994, which focuses on the destruction of the forests and the birdman cult.  

Currently Mars is shining brightly in one of the most intriguing parts of the Milky Way. The picture shows Mars (the orange dot in the left hand corner) along with the Lagoon Nebula ( red cloud below Mars), the Trifid Nebula (small red-blue dot to the right of the Lagoon Nebula), the Omega Nebula (red dot to the far right) and the Eagle Nebula (in the lower right corner).  Also